《星际争霸2 Starcraft 2》Game Booster
Malus global servers provide low-latency acceleration for Starcraft 2
Deploy Date: 2010-7-27
Support Platforms: Windows
Game Desc: 《星际争霸II:自由之翼》(英语:StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty,香港和台湾译作“星海争霸II:自由之翼”)是暴雪娱乐发行的一款即时战略游戏。游戏发生在公元26世纪银河系的边缘,分为三个种族:地球人的后裔人类(Terran)、一种进化迅速的生物群体异虫(Zerg),以及一支高度文明并具有心灵力量的远古种族星灵(Protoss)。《自由之翼》的剧情集中在人类,《虫群之心》与《虚空之遗》则分别着重于虫族与星灵。游戏中的故事发生在《星际争霸:母巢之战》后的第四年,玩家将跟随着吉姆·雷诺与他的游骑兵一起对抗帝国。
Highly Acclaimed
We have been highly acclaimed by gamers worldwide for its ability to enhance the gaming experience and optimize network connections
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Malus is an excellent piece of software. It helps me with international game acceleration. And it is very fast with low latency. I love it and highly recommend it to everyone!
This is by far the best and easiest game gas pedal I have ever used. It really solves my network problems such as latency, dropouts, lag, high ping, etc. It effectively improves network stability and reduces latency to the extreme.