《星战前夜 EVE Online》Game Booster
Malus global servers provide low-latency acceleration for EVE Online
Deploy Date: 2003-5-6
Support Platforms: Windows
Game Desc: 《星战前夜》(英语:EVE Online)是由冰岛CCP Games所开发的大型多人在线游戏。游戏设定于科幻太空场景中,玩家驾驶各式自行改造的船舰在超过七千个行星系中穿梭[1]。大多数的行星系透过一个或多个星门相互链接,小部分行星系需要穿过随机生成的虫洞方能进入,一个行星系中可包含各种物体,例如:行星、卫星、太空站、小行星带等。《星战前夜》中的玩家能进行各式的活动,包括采矿、制造、贸易与战斗(对抗NPC或玩家),玩家可从事的活动类型随着技能的增长而增加,即使玩家没有登录游戏中,游戏中技能的训练随时都进行着。
Highly Acclaimed
We have been highly acclaimed by gamers worldwide for its ability to enhance the gaming experience and optimize network connections
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Malus is an excellent piece of software. It helps me with international game acceleration. And it is very fast with low latency. I love it and highly recommend it to everyone!
This is by far the best and easiest game gas pedal I have ever used. It really solves my network problems such as latency, dropouts, lag, high ping, etc. It effectively improves network stability and reduces latency to the extreme.