How to remove regional restrictions for viewing overseas《罗马Roma》
Malus可以在海外加速高清观看《罗马Roma 》,稳定快速不卡顿
首播时间:2019-05-10 地区:墨西哥 语言:西班牙语
剧情简介:故事发生在墨西哥城的一个中产阶级社区“罗马”,讲述年轻女佣克里奥在雇主索菲亚家中工作,该家中索菲亚的丈夫长期在外,由女佣克里奥照顾索菲的四个孩子。突如其来的两个意外,同时砸中了女佣克里奥和雇主索菲亚,两人究竟该如何面对苦涩茫然的生活?四位孩子似乎是希望所在。 这是以导演阿方索·卡隆的儿时记忆铸成的影片,而卡隆其实就是片中某一位小孩。
Why do users love Malus?
There have been 500,000+ users after launch 3 years, and it has been recommended by 5000+ users, with an average score of 4.9 (out of 5). We will work hard to make Malus perfect for our users.Malus is an excellent piece of software. It helps me with international game acceleration. And it is very fast with low latency. I love it and highly recommend it to everyone!
This is by far the best and easiest game gas pedal I have ever used. It really solves my network problems such as latency, dropouts, lag, high ping, etc. It effectively improves network stability and reduces latency to the extreme.
Being in the US, Malus effectively helped me solve the problem of playing Pretty Derby Japanese service with too much latency. It also speeds up Genshin Impact games on PC. Essential for gamers!