How to remove regional restrictions for viewing overseas《一级指控》
Malus可以在海外加速高清观看《一级指控 》,稳定快速不卡顿
首播时间:2021-10-8 地区:香港 语言:粤语
剧情简介:CK律所在城中是一家声名卓著的律师事务所,合伙人之一雷有辉(方中信饰演)更有法律界“常胜将军”的声誉,却在十年前的成富商场倒塌案中令一众商户败诉。城中首富郭世荣(廖启智饰演)的女儿郭嘉仪在工作室中离奇暴毙,当年商户珠妈(鲍起静饰演)的孙儿李逸峰因在现场而作为嫌疑人被捕,并被控以一级谋杀罪名!珠妈面对孙儿被控谋杀手足无措, 只能求助法律援助。雷有辉律所的合伙人张美仪接受了珠妈这宗法援,派出律所新人何学铭(陈嘉乐饰演)负责。为了补偿十年前的官司败诉的愧疚,雷有辉也决心协助何学铭为李逸峰沉冤昭雪。在调查的过程中,雷有辉抽丝剥茧,发现案件另有隐情,却遭遇证人反口、证剧被毁、同僚遇害……如何将真凶绳之以法,雷有辉唯有在最后的庭审中绝地反击!
Why do users love Malus?
There have been 500,000+ users after launch 3 years, and it has been recommended by 5000+ users, with an average score of 4.9 (out of 5). We will work hard to make Malus perfect for our users.Malus is an excellent piece of software. It helps me with international game acceleration. And it is very fast with low latency. I love it and highly recommend it to everyone!
This is by far the best and easiest game gas pedal I have ever used. It really solves my network problems such as latency, dropouts, lag, high ping, etc. It effectively improves network stability and reduces latency to the extreme.
Being in the US, Malus effectively helped me solve the problem of playing Pretty Derby Japanese service with too much latency. It also speeds up Genshin Impact games on PC. Essential for gamers!